What's Your #SecretWeapon?
What makes you feel amazing?
Women spend a lot of time talking about things that don’t make us feel amazing: our hips, our thighs, our procrastination habits, our co-worker three cubicles over whose fantastic life probably belongs in a romance novel.
But today, let’s talk about feeling amazing. We’re not talking about flannel pyjamas. Or dark chocolate. Or even surprise vacations (though those are pretty awesome and we definitely wouldn’t say no).
We’re talking Hollywood starlet, femme fatale, sex-on-legs amazing. After all, Valentine’s Day is coming up, and whether you want to spice things up in a long-term relationship or on a first date, you want a little wow factor. So what do you do when you need to feel like the best version of yourself, the beautiful woman that you always are, but maybe don’t always show?
Finding the Best Version of Yourself
We know you’ve got something that you always reach for when you need it.
We know you’ve got a secret weapon.
If another woman were to ask you what yours is, you’d probably point to something you wear or something you talk about.
The killer pair of heels, you say. They make my legs look like they go on for miles.
Or, I have this one awesome story from freshman year of college. It always breaks the ice.
A great pair of false lashes, perhaps. They look so natural, no one can tell they’re fake.
We put them on like we’re playing dress-up, something extra and fun, something to give us confidence. Something to make us feel amazing. And we think it’s the shoes or the story or the makeup doing the work.
You + Secret Weapon...
But your secret weapon isn’t really about the dress or the perfume or your (admittedly) gorgeous smile. It’s a way to give yourself permission to be the self you want to be. It’s something that takes you away from deadlines and diets and binge-watching Netflix when you should be going to bed. And it reminds you to be the beautiful, confident woman that you sometimes forget is there.
That’s the power of a secret weapon.
"So much of how we communicate is non-verbal."
After all, what we say and what we wear are only a small part of the puzzle. What we do is where the magic happens. So much of how we communicate is non-verbal. And every woman knows that what we don’t say… well, it can actually say a lot.
Those high heels may make your legs look amazing, but it’s the confident way you walk into the room that says, Men only please, no boys.
The way you play with your hair while you laugh suggests, We could get tangled up together.
That flirtatious glance through your lashes hints, There’s more here than meets the eye… don’t you want to find out what it is?
"There’s more here than meets the eye…"
Having a secret weapon is awesome -- every woman needs one! But the real power of a secret weapon may is the way it gives you the confidence to lean forward, to smile that dazzling smile, to decide what you want and go after it fearlessly.
And we think every woman needs a little fearlessness in her life.
So this Valentine’s Day, whatever it is you want, grab your secret weapon and go for it. Give yourself permission to be the woman you want to be.
And if you really want to get yourself in the mood -- a sexy, confident, amazing mood -- then don’t hide it. Flaunt it. Today, we’re giving you permission to brag. Try on a pair of mink lashes
Every woman has a #secretweapon...
What’s yours?
(Just don’t tell your date. A secret weapon should stay a little bit secret, after all.)